Journey on Jack Island Preserve

bridge jack island preserve fort pierce florida state park

Park Overview

Taking the long, luscious green drive along the inlet, about 1.5 miles north of Fort Pierce Inlet State Park, we happen upon an unexpected expedition - Jack Island Preserve State Park. We cannot help but surrender to the wide lens of nature echoing throughout the space, drawing us closer in on an overcast, gloomy morning. Although, there does not appear to be much to the island, we laugh about the possibility of unearthing a pirate’s treasure chest or mounds of gold.

There is parking available right by the entrance to the preserve, connected by a fishing pier. Stepping onto the fishing pier, passing by fishermen casting an early bait, we opt to take the right-hand, 2-mile trail around the island. There are two 2-mile trail options around the perimeter or a 1-mile trail option straight through the island, all paths eventually leading to the Observation Tower.


mangrove marsh trail jack island preserve fort pierce florida state park

Our Adventure

We lurk steadily around the wooded island, with salt marsh surrounding us on all sides, shrouding us out of view. Stagnant water with dirt-filled trenches outlines the trail on both sides. Bugs buzz around our ears as the Florida heat begins to produce sweat from our pores. We walk along the broken coquina shelled path, not knowing where it will lead, amongst streams of high grass that we push out of our way to gain ground. The smell of old bath water fills our nostrils.

mangroves jack island preserve fort pierce florida state park

Hand-in-hand, we step over deep potholes, compiled muck, and protruding dirt mounds. The feeling of truly being on an island has crept in. There are no sounds aside from the loud soles of our feet crashing down upon the earth. Just as I start to think the path leads to nowhere, and we are on a fool’s errand, getting bitten by mosquitoes and covered in mud, we come upon the Observation Tower.

observation tower jack island preserve fort pierce florida state park

Observation Tower

Small in stature, yet prominent in nature, we take the short flight of wooden stairs to the top where we view the tips of the salt marsh, dark flowing streams, and condominiums in the horizon. This is Jack’s Island. This is the real treasure after all. After a long pause on the Observation Tower, we sense our time on the island has concluded, and we walk briskly back the way we came across the land, along the fishing pier, and back to reality on solid ground.